Ad Hoc Consulting Services

$300+ / hr.
$300+ / hr.

Ideal For

Business that are pre-LOI, post-LOI, and even post-acquisition that need an out of the box solution or have a specific goal in mind that does not require an existing service.

General Overview

Our Ad Hoc Consulting service offers a holistic and bespoke hourly consulting solution for when none of our 'out of the box' options quite fit your needs. This allows you to leverage our team's expertise — whether you need a CPA to quickly review a business' financials before submitting an LOI or an industry specialist to review your LOI — and allows us to create a tailored plan just for you.

Ad Hoc Consulting Features

Our Ad Hoc Consulting service offers a holistic and bespoke hourly consulting solution for when none of our 'out of the box' options quite fit your needs. This allows you to leverage our team's expertise — whether you need a CPA to quickly review a business' financials before submitting an LOI or an eCommerce specialist to review your LOI — and allows us to create a tailored plan just for you.

While this is an hourly consulting option, we always disclose the total estimated hours and subsequent costs for a project before you make a purchase. Regardless of what comes up, we will not charge you any additional hours if the work exceeds this budget.

Rates start at $300 / hour for 5+ hours and $350 / hour for < 5 hours.

If you have any questions regarding our Ad Hoc Consulting services or any of our other services, feel free to contact us or book a free introductory consultation.
Ad Hoc Consulting Options

  • Reviewing your prospective LOI and providing feedback, including an analysis of the deal structure
  • Conducting a high-level review of the risks associated with your potential acquisition, including an assessment of the target's risk by one of our experienced analysts or a review of the target's financials by one of our highly experienced in-house CPAs
  • Reviewing your business' books post-acquisition
  • Reviewing your PPM or your general search criteria
  • Going through a prospectus for a business you're considering and reviewing the deal live with you
  • Offering limited a la carte services from any of our existing offerings
  • Tailored consulting services to meet unique business requirements
  • Specialized support for complex projects and strategic initiatives

Why Choose Us

  • Expert consultants with extensive industry experience
  • Flexible and scalable consulting options to fit your specific needs
  • Rapid response and personalized service for every client
  • Credit offered if you end up purchasing one of our comprehensive solutions for the same business

Let's Connect

Other Services

Transaction Type Filter

Fractional CTO Services

$1,840 / mo+
Seek the advice of an experienced Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to guide your company’s or acquisition target’s technical strategy, security and infrastructure practices, manage evolving technologies and your technology team and drive innovation.

Fractional CFO Services

$1,840 / mo+
Have an experienced Chief Financial Officer (CFO) lead financial strategy, oversee cash flows and risks, lead finance teams, optimize and implement financial strategies, and promote growth and financial success for your current business or target.

Financial Modeling Service

Robust financial model created by our highly experienced M&A CPAs using the target’s historical financials and projection. Includes business valuation by DCF and key investment calculations to help support your business plan or investment decision.

Ad Hoc Consulting Services

$300+ / hr.
A holistic and bespoke hourly consulting solution for when none of our ‘out of the box’ options are quite what you need. This includes LOI reviews, financial diligence, and an a la carte offering.

Preliminary Vetting Report

A high-level and preliminary review of the target acquisition with a focus on pre-LOI diligence. Includes review of high-level operational risks, website traffic, strategic, and financial risks.

QoE “Lite”

Our highly experienced M&A CPAs conduct a comprehensive analysis of the target acquisition’s financials and meticulously comb through every line item to ensure there are no discrepancies. More affordable but just as comprehensive.

Free access to all the deal data we've collected:

After assessing countless deals, we’ve gained exclusive insight into what buyers are actually paying for businesses, not simply what sellers are asking.

Does longevity of a business affect its valuation more than growth? What’s the primary difference between an eCommerce business that sells at 3x vs. 7x EBIDTA?

We have the answers and the data to back it up. And we’re willing to share it. 😏